While students may only be 20%-25% of our population today, they are 100% of our future. That is why education is one of the most important investments a country can make and the sole purpose for the existence of the Better Learning Podcast.

The Better Learning Podcast brings on valued guests that talk about ways we can improve education for our kids. Because after all, they are 100% of our future!



December 27, 2023

Kevin speaks with Nathan Strenge - a "rogue teacher" who went on to found Exploration High School in Minneapolis - a school that strives to be a "public school for the public good". He speaks with Kevin about his transformation into a rogue teacher, the importance of student agency, and the value of authentic learning experiences.

Nathan Strenge is passionately committed to transforming education into a learner-centered experience, uniquely tailored to each individual's gifts and needs. With a decade of experience as an award-winning teacher, Nathan understands the critical role of deep relationships and authentic experiences in education. He utilizes time and space innovatively to reshape the educational landscape.

Currently a Senior Learning Designer at Fielding International, Nathan offers diverse services including learning environment design, spatial auditing, leadership coaching, and project-based learning (PBL) support. He crafts practical tools to help schools expand their initiatives, aiming for a more inclusive and adaptable educational system. Notably, Nathan has written and directed two series of short films in collaboration with Cranston Public School, focusing on Learning Communities and Project-based Learning.

Find Nathan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-strenge-3232b326/


Learn more about creating better learning environments at www.Kay-Twelve.com.

Kevin Stoller is the host of the Better Learning Podcast and Co-Founder of Kay-Twelve, a national leader for educational furniture. Find out more about Kevin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinstoller/

For more episodes of the Better Learning Podcast, visit https://www.betterlearningpodcast.com/


Episode 158 of the Better Learning Podcast


Kevin Stoller is the host of the Better Learning Podcast and Co-Founder of Kay-Twelve, a national leader for educational furniture. Learn more about creating better learning environments at www.Kay-Twelve.com.




Who made this episode possible?


Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) - https://www.a4le.org/

Education Leaders' Organization - https://www.ed-leaders.org/

Second Class Foundation - https://www.secondclassfoundation.org/


If you are interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great guest, please visit the Better Learning Podcast website.