Why is Movement in the Classroom Important?
What if I told you high efficiency in the classroom was highly correlated with increased movement? In the past, many would not have believed this point of view. But now with the research many have done, we can honestly say that movement while learning is one of the more important aspects that you can bring to your classroom.
To begin, movement can bring stress relief to counter that history test you didn't do as well on or that science topic you have been dreading to begin. Per The Literacy and Language Center's article The Benefits of Movement in the Classroom, if students are uncomfortable or stressed, then the brain will not retain new information as easy. This is especially true when applying critical thinking skills or when students are in need of connecting new information to their personal experiences, prior knowledge, or abstract thought.
More than this though, class movement can increase the effort and engagement the students put forth on a daily basis. This has shown results of higher self-esteem, increased communication and listening skills, and improved self-discipline.
How to Incorporate Efficient Movement in your Learning Space:
- Gallery Walks: Gallery Walks are a quick and easy learning tool to incorporate into your learning space to enhance movement efficiently. These are commonly used to get students to walk around and interpret/analyze different materials displayed. This activity allows for higher exposure to your content, which is a great way to have students dig deeper into the material.
- Silent Discussion Boards: In this movement activity, the educator will put up posters around the room with open-ended questions for the students to go around and answer. As the conversations go on, students will essentially create a collaborative mind map with their peers. This activity is especially effective with more introverted students who may not otherwise participate in classroom discussions.
Kay-Twelve's Movement Enhancing Furniture:
Haskell 2ES1C1 Ethos Mobile Quad Chair with Storage Base and Tablet

Kore Designs KOR2112 Kids Wobble Chair Adjustable Height
Designed with a gently rounded bottom, Wobble Chairs transforms the boring conventional seat into a playground for your child’s imagination. Regular chairs force children’s bodies to conform to an unnatural posture. The innovative Wobble Chair allows one’s knees, hips, and back to find comfortable and ever-changing positions.
Luxor STUDENT-P Pneumatic Student Sit Stand Desk
Students increasingly require physical outlets as academic pressure rises, physical activity decreases and attention spans wane. Schools are turning to standing desks as numerous studies have shown their extensive benefits in aiding student engagement and improving mental and physical health.
Need Help With A Project?
Whether you’re updating your classroom, office, library, STEM space, computer lab or starting a Makerspace, revamp your learning environment with design services from Kay-Twelve. Our design experts will help you find that perfect learning environment. Just book a call with one of our experts to get you started in the right direction!
Gonzalez, Jennifer. "To Boost Learning, Just Add Movement." Cult of Pedagogy. 14 Apr. 2019. 24 July 2019 <https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/movement/>.
Murphy, Angelina. "4 Ways to Get Students Moving in Class." Edutopia. 16 May 2019. George Lucas Educational Foundation. 24 July 2019 <https://www.edutopia.org/article/4-ways-get-students-moving-class>.
"The Benefits of Movement in the Classroom." Literacy and Language Center. 29 Apr. 2016. 24 July 2019 <https://literacyandlanguagecenter.com/the-benefits-of-movement-in-the-classroom/>.