Behavior Management Within the Classroom

Behavior Management Within the Classroom

One of the most unpredictable elements within a classroom is student behavior. Having positive behavior within your classroom can take everyone's experience in the learning environment a long way. You can create effective learning lessons without worrying about how your students will react, especially when you consider our 5-step behavior management guide that will help you manage a successful classroom.

1. Create Relationships

One of the most influential factors in how well students behave involves their relationship with the educators. Have you ever wondered why some teachers incorporate ice-breakers at the beginning of the school year? Well this strategy is not just to help student-to-student relationships but also to allow the teachers a chance to get to know each and every one of their students in a fun and engaging matter. 

In other words, it is essential that you build a relationship with all of your students early on so that you have a trusting classroom. This will also show the students that you are invested in their learning experience and are invested in their long-term well-being. Some educators may have an easier time than others building these relationships with their students but including collaborative activities in your classroom early on can help overcome these deficiencies.

2. Distinct Classroom Rules

As many educators already know, you need to establish general rules for your classroom. Most teachers will tell you that it is best to only select a few rules that contribute to a successful learning experience. While this is typically true, it is more important that you present your rules as clear and as specific as possible. This will allow little to no confusion which will benefit your students behavior in the long run.

The other way student behavior can be positively impacted is by allowing the students to collaborate with the teacher when first addressing the classroom rules at the beginning of the year. When students contribute to the classroom rules, they can form a sense of ownership for the space.

3. Student Rewards

While some students may be inclined to follow the classroom guidelines based on the negative consequences that are established, some may not care about punishments that may be dispensed. That is why many educators are turning to a reward system that will give students extra motivation to follow the rules of the classroom. 

Just like we suggested teachers allow students help create the classroom rules, it is a good idea to allow the students to have a say in what rewards may be given out. This will help students buy-in to the rules set and work toward something they actually want. The best thing is, your reward system doesn't have to cost you anything financially. Consider rewards like an art day, movie day, or extend recess time that require little-to-no effort on the teachers end.

4. Set High Expectations

When teachers create a clear vision on how they want their classroom structured, students will be more invested in the material and less likely to misbehave. To do this, make your students aware on what areas you would like them to improve upon throughout the entire school year, and help them understand why it is key to their long-term success. When students can begin to see the meaning behind the classroom coursework, they will also start to understand the benefits of investing their attention. 

Not only is a clear vision key, but it is also important to set the bar high and challenge your students academically everyday. The best way to do this is strategically putting together lesson plans for each day so that you know exactly how you are going to approach every lesson plan. When the bar is set high from the beginning, students will engage with the course, which in turn will help manage behaviors in the classroom.

5. Lead by Example

The final step in our behavior management guide is leading by example. As all educators already know, you must be a leader in order to manage your classroom and students. But, in order to create positive behavior in your classroom, it is important to lead in the right ways. 

Can you guess the most effective way to generate positive behavior in a classroom? The simple answer is to behave the way you want your students to behave. In reality, everything that you do and say is taken in by the students and they typically will mirror your actions. That is why it is important to monitor your actions so that you are giving off the right impression to your students as you build your effective learning environment.


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